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Volunteering with us - Fife Zoo

We are grateful for the support of our volunteers as we develop and grow as a zoo. We have a range of volunteering opportunities here at Fife Zoo.

Public Engagement

Public Engagement most importantly requires great customer service. For instance; meeting and greeting the visitors arriving at the zoo as well as answering any questions they may have. Volunteers will also help the zoo-keeper with public animal handling sessions in addition to spending time at the Lemur and Bird walkthroughs to make sure visitors are respecting the animals. If you require further information or have any questions please email info@fifezoo.co.uk.


Volunteering with our animals is a more specialised role for which we will assess suitability on an individual bases. Those wishing to volunteer with our animals must be studying or have studied a related course (for example; Animal Care, Zoology or Veterinary Medicine). If you require further information or have any questions please email info@fifezoo.co.uk.


Volunteering in a grounds position means getting your hands dirty while helping to make our Zoo look fab! From gardening (for instance; weeding, planting and landscaping) in addition to painting and general upkeep of the land. If you require further information or have any questions, please email info@fifezoo.co.uk.


Large Groups/Community Team Building 

For group volunteering opportunities, please contact us at info@fifezoo.co.uk or contact us on 01337 258214 to discuss your requirements. 

Volunteering Application Form

To apply to volunteer with us here at Fife Zoo, fill in the application form found below and email it to either info@fifezoo.co.uk or michael@fifezoo.co.uk and a member of the team will get back to you.