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Requests for Prizes and Donations - Fife Zoo

As a new visitor attraction, we want to support our local community as much as possible.

Because we are a new, small business, we have carefully monitor the number of free entry tickets and donations that are issued to other organisations for fundraising events.

We try to do this as fairly as possible, so we issue any prizes and donations based on these criteria:

  • Tickets will be issued to organisations, or registered charities, in the local area only (KY, DD, PH and EH postcodes);
  • We only donate directly to organisations and charities, rather than third parties, i.e. not to those holding events on behalf of other nominated charities or causes;
    Only one set of tickets will be allocated to successful organisations in any twelve-month period.

To request a donation please contact info@fifezoo.co.uk and a member of our team will get back to you.

Please note: We have a limited number of tickets and donations available. Due to the number of requests we received we unfortunately unable to reply to all unsuccessful requests. All applications submitted will be considered using the above criteria by the last Friday of every month, successful applicants will be notified by post within the first week of the following month. Prizes and donations for other events can be made under exceptional circumstances and will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

Thank you for your understanding.