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Fife Zoo and Lucky Ewe form partnership to support local volunteers - Fife Zoo

Fife Zoo and Lucky Ewe form partnership to support local volunteers

Fife Zoo and Lucky Ewe have formed a new partnership to support interns to gain experience in animal husbandry in the Scottish countryside.

After completing their initial 12-week internship at Lucky Ewe’s smallholding, volunteers will have the opportunity to gain further experiences with a diversity of different exotic species at Fife Zoo, near Ladybank. Both organizations plan for their volunteers to gain different transferrable skills for life in the workplace.

Research in the health benefits of animals on people is still relatively new. Interacting with animals has been shown to decrease levels of cortisol (a stress-related hormone) and lower blood pressure. Other studies have found that animals can reduce loneliness, increase feelings of social support, and boost your mood.

Mike said, “We’re delighted to have formed this partnership with Lucky Ewe to give more people from a diversity of backgrounds the opportunity to gain experience working outdoors and in animal husbandry.”

Craig Holmes, Farm Operations Manager at Lucky Ewe said, “It is great to have a partnership with Fife Zoo, to enable some of our interns the opportunity to further their development. Hopefully the interns will be able to build on what we teach them at Lucky Ewe and take these experiences forward with them to support them with their futures.”

Lucky Ewe offers young interns a chance to experience farming, animal husbandry and food production through beneficial placements for those in need in the community and adult volunteering opportunities.

Fife Zoo which is also home to a variety of animals such as endangered Grevy’s zebra, meerkats and lemurs is currently expanding as part of a ten-year master plan.